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Towson Recreation Council

Meeting details:

TRC General meetings are open to the public and all program directors and commissioners are required to attend.  Meeting minutes are available upon request.


Executive board meetings are scheduled on a monthly basis and all board members are required to attend.  Meeting minutes are available upon request. 


General Board Meeting Schedule

2025 TRC General Meetings


TBD.  Please check back

TRC Executive Board

The TRC Executive Board is an elected policy-making body comprised of local volunteers who are responsible for the administration of all TRC programs. Duties include;  overseeing budgets, maintaining the relationship between TRC and Baltimore County Rec and Parks, overseeing the financial review and certification process of the council, handling all foundation documents and maintaining the 501c3 status of the organization.

Towson Recreation Council relies on participation from hundreds of coaches and parents who volunteer many hours of their time to the youth of Towson. Please consider volunteering in any of our programs or attending our board meetings. 

Board Elections

Elections will be held at the November meeting for the upcoming year.  

Program Directors and Commissoners

All of our program directors and commissioners work very hard to bring the best of programming to Towson youth.   If you have a question about a specific program, please review the information available on that program's web pages. 

2025 TRC Executive Board Members

Stephen Giordani


Daniel South

Vice President

Maura Kadan


Lisa Wilde


Colleen Kotras

Member At Large

Matthew Blenner

Member at Large

Tony LePore

Member at Large

Kimberly Baker


Jennifer Miller


Jennifer Spernak


Janine Schofield

Past President 2013-2021