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Mission Statement

The Towson Triumph football program was created to inspire youth, bringing them closer together through the means of common interest in sportsmanship and fair play, imparting the game elements of safety and intelligent supervision, and keeping the welfare of the player first and foremost.
Our Purpose:

  • To acquaint the players with the fundamentals of game rules, running, kicking, blocking and tackling.
  • To teach (through the game) sportsmanship, love of the game and discipline.
  • To promote safe play throughout all divisions of play.

Our Objective:

  • To provide a wholesome, enjoyable experience while teaching the basic fundamentals of the game, teamwork, good sportsmanship, discipline and response to leadership.
  • To encourage the players to maintain satisfactory grades in school and to emphasize the importance of keeping a proper relationship and balance between scholastic and athletic endeavors.
  • To provide a satisfying, rewarding experience for coaches, sponsors and those persons administering the program through their relationships in teaching and working with youth.
  • To provide a well-organized and implemented program that is appreciated and favorably received by the parents of the community.

Chris Standiford
TRC Football Commissioner